TAKO is dedicated to providing immersive outdoor experiences to children and people of all ages.

TAKO's Mission—Immerse participants in enjoyable activities to develop an attitude of joy, wonder, love, and respect for our natural world. Take A Kid Outdoors schedules outdoor events on a monthly basis with an emphasis on free-play and exploration.

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TAKO is made possible by donations

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Johnson County Events

Fayette County Events

Join Us!

All TAKO events are free and open to the public. Pre-registration is not required. There is a quick sign-in for each event (normally takes less than 3 minutes) and then everyone is free to enjoy the outdoors with us. 

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TAKO in the News

TAKO at Iowa City's 2017 Freeze Fest in the Cedar Rapids Gazette.

Fox 28's article about our Embrace Your Geekness event!

Iowa City Press-Citizen's article: Anglers break frozen ice at Freeze Fest!

From The Cedar Rapids Gazette in 2015: our Fayette county sledding and skiing event!

Iowa City Press Citizen's 2014 Article: Anglers teach kids in N.L. how to cast and tie fly lures!

Read the Solon Economist's 2014 article on our fishing event!


from the TAKO blog

Support TAKO

TAKO is made possible by donations